Cool Change

Today we gained an hour back in our day as Daylight Saving Time came to an end. As our clocks go back, how will you use that “extra” hour? I will be using my extra hour to rake leaves and prepare the yard for winter. The cooler days and nights signal the changing of the seasons, once again. Change can be hard, especially when it’s not something we choose. The ending of Daylight Saving Time is an adjustment for our minds and our bodies as it gets dark earlier in the evening. The bright side is that the sun will be up earlier tomorrow. I am looking forward to having more time to curl up on the couch and read a book instead of doing yard work. The Little River Band sings, “I know that it’s time for a cool change.” How are you feeling about the cool change that the winter brings? What do you need or want to change in your life? I hope your day is wonderful and that you enjoy the extra hour today! Be well.